Thursday, October 5, 2017

🍪 What Your Favorite Cookie Says About You 🍪

I wrote this last year on a site called or the list app. It was fun and surprisingly, many people enjoyed it and felt I was spot on. (Of course, I am brilliant at few things, but comparing people to food is a highly mastered skill of mine.) Lets get on with it shall we?
  1. Snickerdoodle
    Kind of different, but in a good way. Maybe even like a hipster. No one quite understands why or how you are the way you are, few can even replicate what you are. People look up to you and say things like, "I wish I was more artistic and creative like you." You're not the most popular, but those that you love you are loyal to the core. Usually an introvert. Definitely unique and not like anything else.
  2. Peanut butter
    Some would call you a "man's" cookie. Rugged and tough. Full of protein and no frills. You get in and get the job done. Focused and driven. You may not have time nor want a lot of romance or thrill. You like routine and stability. These are great qualities for the structured lifestyle you maintain. You might also be former/current military. 
  3. Sugar cookie with frosting
    Most people like you, especially kids. You smile a lot and are and extrovert. You are funny and make people laugh. You're always down for being the center of attention everywhere. You get people hyped up and are always down for a party. Sometimes however, people don't know when to stop with you, you go to extremes and then people get sick. As long as you keep a good balance, everyone will be happy.
  4. Chocolate chip.
    Warm, soft, perfect. Ok, can you guess which kind is my favorite? Everyone pretty much loves you. You are the original favorite. The winning combination of humor, wit, sarcasm, and fun. You're kind, loyal, caring, and smart. You know that you aren't anything special but you're okay knowing it's the small things that matter most. Best when you've been warmed up, just a little. 😉
  5. White Chocolate Macadamia Nut
    Highly intelligent. You are usually the one person people come to for financial advice or if they want to talk politics or technology! You love to read and you accomplish things you set your mind to. You also know how to have a little fun, but don't get out of control. Balance in your life is a necessity.
  6. Oatmeal raisin
    I'm sorry, you can not be trusted. You often find yourself trying to be like others (ahem, chocolate chip) when let's face it, you're never gonna be chocolate chip. You disguise yourself, trying to deceive those around you, but you don't fool anyone. You probably also don't like puppies and babies.

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