Friday, August 26, 2016

Momma Said There'd Be Days Like This

        Oh lovelies, how I have missed you! I have desperately tried to return to you but the tragedy that is known as "life" tends to interfere. I will do my best to keep it from separating us again. I fell asleep last night, my body aching, throat horribly sore, and woke up feeling even worse.  I can't remember the number of times throughout the night that I am sure I broke a fever, but I know I went from freezing to sweating numerous times. I've even almost lost my voice! (ok, some might not see this as such a bad thing.) Never fear, I have upped my vitamin C and trying to ward off all evil sickness spirits. I know the Evil Queen is merely trying to cast yet another spell on me, but I am onto her magic. Good always wins and well....neither do viral colds. 
        Does anyone else feel like the whiniest person on the planet when they are sick? I just want someone to make me some soup, let me put my head on their shoulder, and fall asleep knowing someone is gonna take care of me. I usually am never sick so when it hits me, I feel like I must be dying. Add to the fact I still must readily take care of 3 littles and some days, I myself don't know how I do it. I am quite certain that Excedrin has became my newest best friend and the only thing that is keeping my aching body from feeling completely miserable. The only thing I know to do is, just keep on. It really is true that you forget how much you appreciate health until its taken away from you. Kind of like toilet paper, you know, you don't appreciate it until its gone. 

Also, plan ahead, that stuff is expensive at your local drugstore.

Short blog today. Once I regain some strength and energy I promise to write something lovely. Well I will write something, whether its lovely or not is still to be determined.

Momma said there'd be days like this, and she was right. I'm going to go curl up in my blankets and find something on Netflix to fall asleep too, after I take another dose of medicine.  



Sunday, August 21, 2016

She's Awake

As Aurora or Snow White emerged after their deep sleep I often wonder if they looked around and said "How long have I been asleep? Everything is so different!" Aurora was said to be asleep 100 years while Snow White only a year but if a day can be life changing, I image 100 years would be unrecognizable. Although I'm not a princess, officially of course, (still waiting on the paperwork) I have found recently that I've woken up to things, places, people, and experiences I hadn't been a part of for at least the last 10 years of my life. 

People watching has now become one of my favorite things to do. Although I do know people who strictly "people watch" to judge and make fun of others, my people watching is different. See, since I have woken up, I see things so different. I want to know their story. I want to know about their past and what brought them to this moment in time. Their story. The plot of their life and the twist and turns that have made them who they are. I want to know why their personal style reflects that lip ring or why she chose to wear that men's basketball jersey as a dress. Perhaps her self confidence will rub off on me if I get close enough to her. I'd also like to know why no one is watching these two wild children playing in the fountain next to me at this mall bench I chose. Oh, sorry, those angels are actually mine. I also see the dad with his toddler on his shoulders and a beautiful woman with her head wrapped in a gorgeous scarf. If she would have been a few feet closer I would have totally asked her where she purchased it. 

That's something thankfully I've never really had an issue with, talking to people. I love seeing someone's face when I compliment them and I find great joy in being truthful about the beauty I can see in people and things. I'm excited to share what I see, think, and feel with you on this little place.

A scoop of fairy tale and a scoop of reality, lots of hot fudge, and plenty of whip cream!

I'm so glad you're here with me, beautiful soul.

Stick around, I also have sprinkles.
